
Ufc undisputed 3 characters
Ufc undisputed 3 characters

ufc undisputed 3 characters

Wrestling – Bonus applied to takedown offense/defense.Muay Thai – Bonus is applied to standing kicks offense/defense.Kickboxing – Bonus is applied to standing kicks offense/defense.Boxing – Bonus will be applied to standing striking offense/defense.Check the list below for information on how the game applies the skill bonuses. In Career mode, you have to increase your fighter skills through Camp Invites. In the stand-alone Create a Fighter mode, certain skills receive a 15% bonus depending on the techniques you decide on. Please read The UFC Undisputed Xbox 360 Training Camp article for more information on these techniques. Techniques – A fighter starts with one striking technique and one grappling technique. The Fight Style/Attributes menu is used to determine your fighter’s grappling and striking techniques, attributes, and skills. Fight Style and Attributes Menu in UFC Undisputed Body Type determines your fighter’s muscular composition will you be long and lean or short and powerful? The third choice Face Type is a starting point for your fighter’s facial features, which can be refined further in the Physical Appearance sub-menus.

#Ufc undisputed 3 characters skin#

Skin Tone allows you to choose your fighter’s skin tone. Skin/Physique – You’ll see three choices in the Skin/Physique sub-menu for you to choose from. You’ll see all of these attributes displayed in the screens upper right corner. The weights are predetermined for the weight classes, and unlike your height, affect your fighter’s performance, as well as the division in which you compete, your maximum strength, speed, and cardio attributes. Height/Weight – Use the left analog stick to determine your height and weight, up/down changes your weight, left/right changes your height.

ufc undisputed 3 characters

You can select your home town (which will also determine your country), the city you fight out of, and your age. General – In this section you’ll give your fighter a name and a few nick names the announcer will use to introduce you. There are three sub-categories in the Basic Information Menu of UFC Undisputed General, Height/Weight, and Skin/Physique. Once you determine which of the two choices you prefer, we’ll take you through the four steps to creating a new fighter Basic Information, Fight Style/Attributes, Physical Appearance, and Clothing/Equipment. Creating a Fighter in UFC UndisputedĪt this point in UFC Undisputed, you can decide to choose “New Fighter” and create your fighter from scratch or “Fighter Templates” and one of more than a dozen sample fighters you can use as the starting point for your new fighter. You can also earn points you can use to improve your fighters skills and attributes by fighting and training. The main different between this mode and the Career Mode is in Create a Fighter Mode your fighter is only eligible to fight in the Exhibition Mode or in on line play and not in the Career Mode.Ĭareer Mode – You’ll also enter the Career Mode via the Main menu, where you’ll be taken to a fighter creation interface that’s the same as the one you’ll use in Create a Fighter Mode. UFC Undisputed for the Xbox 360 has two different methods for you to make a fighter you can use in the game Create a Fighter Mode and Career Mode.Ĭreate a Fighter Mode – You need to access the Main menu to find the Create a Fighter Mode option where you get a set number of points you can use to enhance your fighters skills and attributes. Creating an Ultimate Fighter in UFC Undiputed

Ufc undisputed 3 characters