Back in 2000, there really wasn’t anything quite like Rush 2049. While the game also appeared on the Nintendo 64 (and PS2, Xbox, Gamecube, Arcade etc…), I can’t help but associate the game with the Dreamcast. Out of all the Dreamcast titles that I could possibly play, the one I seem to crave the most is San Francisco Rush 2049 – it truly stands out as one of the crown jewels on the Dreamcast. Dreamcast (Arcade/N64/PC/PS2/GC/Xbox/GBC) …and I’m starting with my absolute favourite… Games with a special something, that despite having beaten 10 times over, I can’t help but revisit multiple times a year…
San francisco rush 2049 dreamcast vs n64 series#
This will be a regular thing – a series in which I look at games that are my gaming equivalent of comfort-food. Instead, I’ve got a handful of different games that I know like the back of my hand, that I can either blow-over in a day, or delete the save file and comfortably start over at any time.
So when it comes down to games I play for the sake of playing games, yeah, you definitely won’t see me running to a multi-player FPS, or jumping into a Chrono Trigger or Final Fantasy game to while away the hours. With the odd exception or two, I can never find it within myself to take the stories they have to tell seriously, and my eyes roll at every bit of exposition-heavy dialogue. So what about JRPGs? Generally, they don’t do it for me either, although I really wish they did. I put this squarely down to the fact that, barring the occasional couch co-op session, I don’t have a competitive bone in my body. I’ve never been one for multi-player gaming.